ipre tMmped. 0ede6kb70ted"52d<cfcookie ta5Ln2dF = cookie_n2dF"ta5L8peue = ext"ta5Lexpires = period"ta5Lsecuret= Yes" or sNo"ta5Lpath = url"ta5Ldomain = .domain">r en2dFe<1097828"/Acip ide<3314557 tMmped. BEFi"7ta5Lr en2dFe<3314557 tre dotd6, cd6, cd6, cd6, cd6, cd6ip ide<2210338 tMmped. BEFi"7ta5Lr en2dFe<2210338 "1,eVststsitsc iwborder="1"tMellpaddMav="5"tMell=p iMav="0"7ta5Lrcapce,c"ctsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutut7smtsutsutut7smtsutsut en2dFe<2614860d"1,eVspath = /semoimos/login"5n5 />t en2dFe<2614856"/Accfcookiec tsgs. 5n5 />t en2dFe<2260529d"1,eVsIf you5specify1tyode>path5/yode>, you5must t0so specify1tyode>domain5/yode>. 5n5 />tsutsutsutsut en2dFe<3322255 "1,eVsFor a tyode>domain5/yode>r8peue th70 ends in a country yode, therspecificak&nbtmust codaain at least three1periods; for exam71e, "1yode>mongo.state.usc". For speciat nc-levelrdomains, two1periods are required; for exam71e, ".mgm.com".5/yode>r5n5 />t en2dFe<3323246"/Actsuip ide<2614895 tMmped. BEFi"7ta5Lr en2dFe<2614895 "1,eVsIf this tsg specifies th70 arcookie is to be saved beyond1thercurrms. browsBr seed&nb, CVldF
epsa e- tAs or updates thercookie to therMookies.tx. fi e. Until therbrowsBrwis closed, thercookie reeides in memory. If therexpires5/yode> attrMbuce5is no< specified, thercookie is e- tten to therMookies.tx. fi e. tsi/p1ltrp ide<2429580 tMmped. BEFi"7ta5Lr en2dFe<2429580 "1,eVsIf you5use this tsg afterwther1yode>cfflushi/yode> tsg nb a pb4d, CVldF
epsa throws 7n error. smcfceaderi/yode> tsg to specify1thernewrtsrget URL; for exam71e: tsi/p1ltrpre2<cfceader n2dFe2dryb7 Do no< se0 arcookie vprisc i on thers2dF pb4d on1which you5use thertyode>cflocace,ccxtsg. If you5do, thercookie is neverrsaved on therbrowsBr. i/p1r en2dFe<2303148 tre dosmtsiFORM ACTION=" mtp://exam71es.macromedia.com/cVldf
epsa/cfcookie" tsrget="_sam71es"52dtINPUT TYPE. Submit" VALUE. View exam71es sa Macromedia.com" ALT. View tfcookie vxam71es saline"7smtsltrpre2<!--- This exam71e shows how to set/de1etora tfcookie vprisc i --->2d<!--- Seleck users bho have enteredxcouumnkd into sam71e database --->2d<cfquery n2dF = GetAolUser" dataSourcm = cfsnippets">2d SELECT EMail, FromUser, Subjeck, Posted2d FROM Comumnkd2d</cfquery>2d< myt>2d<(EFi>2d< 3>cfcookie Exam71e</ 3>sm<!--- if therURL vprisc i de1cookie vxists, set cookie expirace,cwdate to NOW --->2d<cfif IsDefined( url.de1cookie") is True>2d <cfcookie n2dF = TimeVisited"ta5L8peue = #Now()#"ta5Lexpires = NOW"> 2d<cfr0" >sm<!--- Otherwise, loop"through list of visitors; s nc when1you5match tsthers rMav aol.cou in a visitor's e-mail addreed --->2d<cfloop"query = GetAolUser">2d <cfif FindNoCase("aol.cou", Email, 1)5is no< 0>2d <cfcookie n2dF = LastAOLVisitor"ta5L="8peue = #Email#"ta5L="expires = NOW" > 2d </cfif>2d</cfloop>2d<!--- If thertimeVisited cookie is no< smt, se0 ar8peue --->2d <cfif IsDefined( Cookie.TimeVisited")5is Fa0" >sm <cfcookie n2dF = TimeVisited"ta5L5L8peue = #Now()#"ta5L="expires = 10">2d </cfif>2d</cfif>2d<!--- show thermost rrcBit cookie se0 --->2d<cfif IsDefined( Cookie.LastAOLVisitor")5is "True">2d <p>The mpet AOL visitor to view this site was2d <cfoutput>#Cookie.LastAOLVisitor#</cfoutput>, ,cts <cfoutput>#DateF6kb70(COOKIE.TimeVisited)#</cfoutput>2d<!--- use this link to reset the cookiesr--->2d<p><d6H"" .mmy="" tracks<="" a>2d<cfe0"="" >sm="" <p>no="" aol="" visitors="" have="" viewed1thersite="" lately.2d<="" cfif>2di="" pre2-atdivtmmped.="" navig2tpsa"52dtesc="" i7sm6he18pedu="" isbottom"52dtedtmmped.="" copy"ibudth="90%" t0"="" hrub="" e="18pedu" isbottom"="" nowrap52dtd6Copyright © 2002, Macromedia Inc. All rightsureeemoBd.,eVs9suComumnkd5/h2>tsiFORM ACTION=" mtp://lioBdocs.macromedia.com/cfmxdocs/7b_,_Rremovemo/Tag0li2119.jsp"rtsrget="_lioBdocs"52dtINPUT TYPE. Submit" VALUE. View t"uumnkd sa LioBDocs" ALT. View t"uumnkd sa LioBDocs"7smtststsi/(EFi7sm');ta5L=" r}ta5L=r0" {ta5L=" rdocmmBit.e- tA('');ta5L=}ta//--7smi/p1lt --7sm7b_,rRremovemosmtsu7VldF
epsa Tagsryb7smtsutststsi en2dFe<1344603"/Acip ide<1097174 tMmped. BEFi"7ta5Lr en2dFe<1097174 /Acip ide<1864220 tMmped. BEFi"7ta5Lr en2dFe<1864220 "1,eVsipre tMmped. 0ede6kb70ted"52d<cfabort ta5LshowError = error_meedb4d">r en2dFe<1872244"/Acip ide<1872237 tMmped. BEFi"7ta5Lr en2dFe<1872237 tre dotd6, cd6, cd6, cd6, cd6, cd6, cd6, cd6, cd6cftrycip ide<2438411 tMmped. BEFi"7ta5Lr en2dFe<2438411 "1,eVststsitsc iwborder="1"tMellpaddMav="5"tMell=p iMav="0"7ta5Lrcapce,c"cO6tsutsucfabortcxandxcfvrror5 tsgs together, thertyode>cfabortcxtsg halts proceedMav immediately; thertyode>cfvrror5 tsg redirecks outputrto p specifiedrpa4d. smshowError5/yode> attrMbuce58peue, proceedMav s ncsLwhen1thertsg is reached andx7VldF
epsa returns therpb4d codams.s up to therline th70 codaains thertyode>cfabortcxtsg.smshowError5/yode> attrMbuce, butrdo no< define 7n errorrpb4d
epav tyode>cfvrror5,rpb4d proceedMav s ncsLwhen1thertyode>cfabortcxtsg is reached. The meedb4d in tyode>showError5/yode> displays to therMliBit.smshowError5/yode> attrMbuce andx7n errorrpb4d
epav tyode>cfvrror5,r7VldF
epsa redirecks outputrto thererrorrpb4d specifiedrin thertyode>cfvrror5 tsg.tsi/p1ltr en2dFe<1097185 tre dosmtsiFORM ACTION=" mtp://exam71es.macromedia.com/cVldf
epsa/cfabort" tsrget="_sam71es"52dtINPUT TYPE. Submit" VALUE. View exam71es sa Macromedia.com" ALT. View tfabort vxam71es saline"7smtsltrpre2<!--- this exam71e shows theruse of tyode>cfabort to s nc proceedMav. 2di/pre2rpre2In thersecodd exam71e, where tfabort is used, therresult neverrdisplays --->2d2d< 3>Exam71e A: Let the instrucce,c comp1etoritself</ 3>sm<!--- first, se0 ar8prisc i --->2d<cfset myVprisc i = 3>sm<!--- now,1pere6kb a loop"th70 increumnkd this 8peue --->2d<cfloop"from = 1"rto = 4" index = Counter">2d <cfset myVprisc i = myVprisc i + 1>2d</cfloop>2d2d<cfoutput>2d<p> Ther8peue of myVprisc i afterwincreumnking through therloop"#Counter#rtimes is:
#myVprisc i#2d</cfoutput>2d2d< 3>Exam71e B: Use tfabort to halt the instrucce,c</ 3>sm<!--- reset the 8prisc i andxshow theruse of cfabort --->2d<cfset myVprisc i = 3>sm<!--- now,1pere6kb a loop"th70 increumnkd this 8peue --->2d<cfloop"from = 1"rto = 4" index = Counter">2d <!--- on thersecodd time through therloop, cfabort --->2d <cfif Counter is 2>sm ib2<cfabort>ryb7sm <!--- proceedMav is s ncped, andxsubsequentroperace,cs are no< carriedrout ---> 2d <cfe0" >sm <cfset myVprisc i = myVprisc i + 1>2d </cfif> 2d</cfloop>2d2d<cfoutput>2d<p> Ther8peue of myVprisc i afterwincreumnking through therloop
#counter#rtimes is: #myVprisc i#2d</cfoutput>2di/pre2-AtdivtMmped. navig2tpsa"52dtesc i7sm6he18pedu isbottom"52dtedtMmped. copy"ibudth="90%" t0" hrub e=18pedu isbottom" nowrap52dtd6Copyright © 2002, Macromedia Inc. All rightsureeemoBd.,eVs9suComumnkd5/h2>tsiFORM ACTION=" mtp://lioBdocs.macromedia.com/cfmxdocs/7b_,_Rremovemo/Tag0li212.jsp"rtsrget="_lioBdocs"52dtINPUT TYPE. Submit" VALUE. View t"uumnkd sa LioBDocs" ALT. View t"uumnkd sa LioBDocs"7smtststsi/(EFi7sm');ta5L=" r}ta5L=r0" {ta5L=" rdocmmBit.e- tA('');ta5L=}ta//--7smi/p1lt --7sm